Thank you for attending the 2025 ICRSME XVII Consultation in Valladolid, Yucatán, México! We enjoyed convening with over 75 ICRSME Friends from the United States, Europe, Caribbean, and México.
Dr. Marty Harvill, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biology at Baylor University, has over twenty years of experience engaging with undergraduate and school-aged children in science and research activities. His talk, Bringing Back Creativity and Exploration in Science: Supporting K-16 Research Experiences, will focus on his participation in engaging with students and teachers in course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURES). First, he will outline his history of adapting his courses at Baylor University into CURES, having helped his students produce about 250 research projects and posters in biology and science education and 15 publications in Baylor University’s Undergraduate Research Journal Scientia. Next, he will outline his current research and educational project, Inclusive Biologist Exploring Active Research with Students (iBEARS), a program he created where undergraduates, in groups of three, lead local 3-8th grade students through the scientific process similar to their own experiences in CURES courses. Specific to this consultation, he will also talk about iBEARS International and his work with a CEZ Primaria in Valladolid, Yucatan, Mexico, where he mentors students to teach science modules, science processes, and English. Lastly, he will outline examples of how to increase undergraduate research participation and engage with fellow ICRSME Friends about over two decades of experience.
Dr. Sarah Quebec Fuentes, Co-Executive Director
Dr. Mark Bloom, Co-Executive Director
Dr. Alex T. St. Louis, Managing Director
Dr. Savannah G. Hayes, GSA Coordinator
Profesor Elias Alcocer, Host Country Coordinator
Maestra Karina Madera, Host Country Coordinator